Terms & Conditions

The “MY CASH FOR GOLD” website and its associated services and content (collectively “Website”) are owned and operated by A & A Cash for Gold.  By using, placing an order for products, or selling products through the Website, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth below in this Terms of Use Agreement (is “Agreement”).  This Agreement is made by A & A Cash for Gold.

This agreement applies to all orders, purchases, and sales, whether made via the website, by telephone or otherwise.  By using the website, you represent and warrant, without limitation, that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms of this agreement. If you do not understand or do not agree to be bound by and comply with the terms of this agreement and any other supplemental terms, disclosures, and disclaimers, you must immediately leave the website.

We reserve the right to make changes to this agreement at any time and you agree that we may change the terms at any time.  You agree further that we may make changes to the website at any time in our sole discretion, for any reason or no reason, and without prior notice to you.  You agree that if you continue to use the website after we have posted a change to this agreement, then you are bound by the most recent version of this agreement.

A&A Cash for Gold may restrict the purchase or sale of Precious Metal Bullion, Precious Metal Products, or Scrap Metal, whether online or by telephone. A&A Cash for Gold reserves the right to unilaterally amend restrictions or implement new restrictions without notice at any time.
All payments must be made in Canadian Dollars only.

1. Reservations of Right

In addition to the other rights contained in this Agreement, we reserve the following rights unto ourselves, to be exercised at our sole and absolute discretion.

2. Right to Refuse Service to Anyone

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

3. Right to Correct Errors in Orders

We reserve the right to correct any typographical or clerical errors or omissions in any order. We will make a good faith effort to notify you of any such corrections to your order.

4. Right to Cancel Any Order

We reserve the right to cancel any order at any time for any reason. If we exercise this right, we will cancel your order, we will notify you and refund to you all you may have paid to us in accordance to such order, less any costs and/or fees associated with cancelling your order, as may be applicable.

5. Right to Change Terms and Conditions of Sale

We reserve the right to change any terms and conditions of sale at any time without any further notice.

6. Right to Accept or Reject Any Late or Defective Payment(s)

We reserve the right to:

  • accept any late or otherwise deficient payment(s) including but not limited to liquidation payment(s); and/or
  • reject any late or otherwise deficient payment(s), including but not limited to liquidation payment(s), at any time in our sole and absolute discretion.
  • We hereby reserve the right to involuntarily cancel any order where we are unable to obtain and/or verify any information required by us by the terms of this agreement.

7. Right to Hold Payment

We reserve the right to hold any payment until it is verified and cleared and/or the customer has communicated with us and submitted a valid Credit Card on all first-time or repeat orders. This is done solely in the interest of fraud prevention and all holds are removed promptly upon the completion of the above conditions.

8. Privacy and Confidentiality

Your personal information is handled, processed, and stored by us under our Privacy Policy.